Poliedra - Politecnico di Milano

This initiavive is promoted by Poliedra, a consortium of Politecnico di Milano which operates in the themes of environmental sustainability, territory, mobility, participation, decision aid systems, smart cities and communities.

In the last years we worked at various applications of tools for active citizenship and behavioral change.

In 2018 we have launched a survey of the research activities at Politecnico on the topic of behavioral change and, in collaboration with various departments and consortia of the university, we organized the Behavioral change and environmental sustainability event.


Alberto Colorni - Poliedra
Alessandra Cappiello - Poliedra
Alessandra Cappiello
Gemini Giuliana - Poliedra
Giuliana Gemini

Why this initiative?

  • we believe in the importance of individual behaviors in the transition towards greater sustainability
  • we want to contribute to disseminate the results and variety of researches made by Politecnico di Milano in this field
  • we aspire to facilitate the development of new initiatives by bringing together researchers from different disciplines, policy makers, civil society actors, economic subjects, citizens
Our contribution “Driving behavioral change towards sustainability” as part of the Higher Education for Sustainable Development Goals MOOC offered by Politecnico di Milano in collaboration with Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna.