Sustainable development goals
- clean energy and energy efficiency
- sustainable mobility
- circular economy
- community engagement
- co-design
- capacity building
What does the promoted behavioral change consist of?
The activities are driven by a strong engagement of the REDO Milano district residents, of the main local public actors and of demand side stakeholders (i.e. housing associations, utilities providers), in order to co-design the actions to better reflect the user needs and therefore to increase their efficacy, to create a community and to foster grassroots initiatives.
The results of Merezzate+ will be used to draw guidelines on the potential transferability and replicability of the model to other areas of Milano as well as other Italian and European cities.
What are the main features of the tools designed/implemented to promote behavioral change and how have they been tested?
During the Community Start-up process, it was possible to present all the technical contents of the project, together with some information and educational tips, meeting the community and understand together their needs and desire to build other activites, in order to takle their behaviour (in order to encourage behavioural changes) towards more sustainable habits and sharing practices.
Poliedra is responsible for:
- Stakeholder engagement and citizens involvement, particularly with regard to Merezzate+ environmental pillars
- Co-design, planning, implementation and monitoring of services and pilot activities as regards e-mobility, shared mobility and Pedibus (the walking school bus) services, and circular economy (eg. green purchasing groups and community gardens, workshops on repairing and reusing products and objects, good practices related to waste management and recycling)
- Communication and dissemination, and transferability tasks.
What results have been achieved? What are the potentials and obstacles?
Involving a community of 615 dwellings, the process was already complicated and 2020 Coronavirus outbreak create further difficulties, due to the spring lockdown and the following restrictions. The construction site stopped, creating delays in people moving-in and the community activites were postponed or organised online/in small groups of people.
[ultimo aggiornamento: 20/10/2020]
Research team at PoliMi
Giuliana Gemini, Francesca Costa, Irene Vegetti – Poliedra
Mario Motta, Annalidia Pansini, Rossano Scoccia, Filippo Bovera, Giulia Filippini – DENG

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